Temporarily Unavailable // Check back for updates. Sazon de Mama Sofrito - Multipurpose Marinade and Seasoning 16 oz.
Authentic, Dominican marinade & seasoning. Chemical & preservative-free. Naturally vegan.
16 liquid oz | 30 - 32 tablespoons (Typical use is 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per dish)
Please note: Product ships frozen alongside a mailer freezer-pack. Product arrives with space at the top (to allow for freezing your jar, with room for product to expand).
Shelf life: up to 12 weeks. KEEP REFRIGERATED.
onion, green pepper, celery, garlic, red pepper, cilantro, olive oil, spice blend includes (oregano, salt, garlic, cumin, coriander, annatto, black pepper, turmeric)
cebolla, pimiento verde, apio, ajo, pimiento rojo, cilantro, aceite de oliva, mezcla de especias incluye (orégano, sal, ajo, comino, cilantro, achiote, pimienta negra, cúrcuma)
This product is prepared with utmost care and proper health and sanitary practices.
Authentic, Dominican marinade & seasoning. Chemical & preservative-free. Naturally vegan.
16 liquid oz | 30 - 32 tablespoons (Typical use is 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per dish)
Please note: Product ships frozen alongside a mailer freezer-pack. Product arrives with space at the top (to allow for freezing your jar, with room for product to expand).
Shelf life: up to 12 weeks. KEEP REFRIGERATED.
onion, green pepper, celery, garlic, red pepper, cilantro, olive oil, spice blend includes (oregano, salt, garlic, cumin, coriander, annatto, black pepper, turmeric)
cebolla, pimiento verde, apio, ajo, pimiento rojo, cilantro, aceite de oliva, mezcla de especias incluye (orégano, sal, ajo, comino, cilantro, achiote, pimienta negra, cúrcuma)
This product is prepared with utmost care and proper health and sanitary practices.
Authentic, Dominican marinade & seasoning. Chemical & preservative-free. Naturally vegan.
16 liquid oz | 30 - 32 tablespoons (Typical use is 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per dish)
Please note: Product ships frozen alongside a mailer freezer-pack. Product arrives with space at the top (to allow for freezing your jar, with room for product to expand).
Shelf life: up to 12 weeks. KEEP REFRIGERATED.
onion, green pepper, celery, garlic, red pepper, cilantro, olive oil, spice blend includes (oregano, salt, garlic, cumin, coriander, annatto, black pepper, turmeric)
cebolla, pimiento verde, apio, ajo, pimiento rojo, cilantro, aceite de oliva, mezcla de especias incluye (orégano, sal, ajo, comino, cilantro, achiote, pimienta negra, cúrcuma)
This product is prepared with utmost care and proper health and sanitary practices.
To loosen lid: Carefully run jar underneath warm/hot water.
Product ships frozen. You may freeze the jar as there is room at the top for the product to expand.
Shelf life: approximately 3 months. KEEP REFRIGERATED.